MISC: Fortified Tower 2. GAME OVER. Haunted and Medic win

…oh. Is that what this means?

Pretty much the reason why I believe any other combo without the Turrets are unlikely to appear.

I Will reveal I always choose a trap that spends as many points as possible, and avoid having more than one trap type in a room, where possible

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Just realised I never added this as a possible action to the OP

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That’s like… you just outed all the traps in all rooms like this.

And that means there is no security doors anywhere, cause lowest cap is 30, so like… alarm is always higher than security doors.

Did I? Hmm :thinking:

I didn’t say there was never 2 traps

…just use a randomizer.

I didn’t want a clusterfuck room of lights. Alarm, doors and a mine though

…we played this game to suffer from these virtual tortures. Let us suffer.


I think random traps is a little too much of a nerf to security, as the weaker traps can only annoy.

(im not joining man. please stop pinging me)

:sob: Okay…



@Simon have you seen this thread? You should join, I think you will enjoy this game.

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@Simon why do people keep pinging you?

(ok next time im pinged im not responding and this thread is going on muted)

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