MISC: Fortified Tower 2. GAME OVER. Haunted and Medic win

Blame those who aren’t submitting actions


I mean time zones are whack so I can’t really blame anyone


Suggesting I am not in mid 3 and just instantly set up the bomb.


That would be gamer move tbh.

Nai ping

  1. @Blizer
  2. @Italy
  3. @Apprentice
  4. @Hippolytus
  5. @PokemonKidRyan
  6. @an_gorta_pratai
  7. @DatBird
  8. @Emilia
  9. @Wazza
  10. @N.1

I’m needing 4 of you to pm me a move. 3 players are excluded from the ping because it’s obvious they have moved


Awaiting just one person


Gonna give the slot I’m waiting for 20 mins before I just have them search their starting room

theyve had ages just skip them

Actions being processed

Room discussion pms will be processed afterwards

…aaand I found Wazza.
Hey @Wazza, wanna bet that eevee is a floor below us?

wait you found me? I haven’t been told anything yet.

Must be a delay then. So… what do you plan to do?


It would be good, considering I just set off a bomb.

2 people I can kill due to “neighboring” + one who just joined me :’)


Oh hello, you are here.

Pls no one kill me

Sounds fine by me.
An exploding bomb tells everyone that your wincon is to kill everyone (i.e. we will kill you on sight) and tells us the absence of the Hacker.

Plus, I assume you require another Turn to get away from the bomb, unless you plan to kill yourself immediately.

I’m pretty sure I can’t do that…

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Just a warning. Don’t say who you see. That’s a leak.

Oh. Okay.

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Bomber is immune to the bomb.