MISC: Fortified Tower 2. GAME OVER. Haunted and Medic win

great show would recommend


Memes Iā€™ve seen tell me it us not just for kids

Can we at least tell which floor we are in so we can avoid boring ourselves to death?

Iā€™d rather you didnā€™t tell every one you are in the tycoons room, no

ā€¦I am really wondering why this game is not obscured like Magnusā€™ Humanity.

If you are really finding it boring I can call it if you want :cry:

ā€¦at the very, very least, give us a periodic status report or something. Like, telling us how many people are in each floor every 5 or even 10 turns so we donā€™t have to leave this thread in utter silence.

I mean I expected several people to die about 3 turns ago. I even had a meme for it.

Yeah, wellā€¦ they didnā€™t, soā€¦ we need to work on that if there is ever a next game.

im not bored im having a lot of fun tbh

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If is definitely the correct word

Iā€™ll be processing the turn soon.

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Soon being 6 hours apparantly

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Well then, good to see that the game is at least still progressing, considering that someone died.

ā€¦this still takes a lot of time though.

da fuck this mean lol

Itā€™s pretty self explanatory

you assume i know how this game works

oh damn 6 players left