MISC: Fortified Tower 2. GAME OVER. Haunted and Medic win

I probably should have been more aggressive so i could have used my pvp steal ability and actually have had a chance of knowing which side leading up to 12 was the golden ticket and which side was suicide.

Who were they by the way?

You got unlucky with the turret

It got min roll then max roll

But even if you survived, that side had insanity gas

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I think VLDR 2 starts


what did

everything mean

all the videos and stuff

  1. revived Italy from death
  2. revived Dat from death
  3. healed gorta to full HP
  4. revived gorta from unconciousness

best role at avoiding traps gets fucked by them in the end

i looted like 6 corpses tho that was fun

This was very different than fort tower 1.

There 70% of the players got trapped in Rooms with Gun turrets and died

who won fort tower 1?

Dunno if itā€™s a good idea to run VLDR 2 with danganronpa running as well

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I donā€™t remember who. I know the tycoon died

Butā€¦ they didnā€™t escape?

It ainā€™t a good idea IMO. Too many PMs. I donā€™t have enough commitment to do two games like those.

its up to you, not gonna force ya to start it

that is a

good take

i should have realized the upward smashed doors meant something

the best part of this game
ā€œI have a knifeā€
ā€œI have a fire axeā€
dat and italy proceed to shoot eachother immediately

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im so happy i finally won something on this bloody site lol, its been like 4 months


how did PKR die mole?

this is what happens when you durdle away the game and never meet another living soul ever

itā€™s the little things that get ya