MISC: Fortified Tower 2. GAME OVER. Haunted and Medic win

if you had been like 7 turns earlier ud have seen me doing same thing as you and wed have met up, you just got super unlucky on timing

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i got greedy
i wanted 3 bullets, 2 fire axes, and 2 duct tape

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ironically i failed to use a fire axe in the only time it mattered, which caused me to die

and i never had a use for any duct tape, pistol, or knife

i probably should’ve went with PKR but i completely forgot and defaulted
i think

is that why we’re not running it

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first turn i found a fire axe, then a few turns later apprentice and dat come in
apprentice is medic so dat says they have a knife and start talking about killing me so apprentice can get points for their wincon
i point out i have a fire axe and we proceed to immediately start escalating until we both pull guns on eachother

finishing the game might help



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wait so after i left the room with u and dat in who won ur guys fight?

Moleland give us your host summary of most questionable plays and dumbest moments lol

it was a draw
i put a bullet into his head and he shot me with his dumb fucking raygun
then apprentice revived me
we proceeded to have another standoff 3 or so rooms up in which blizer shot him with his gun

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I just had them in infinite mortal combat

until sentry bot whacked me and I ran out of time to revive them

if i were to improve this game, id suggest more traps and less fucking locked doors

But overall i had tons of fun and it was super well hosted, thanks @Moleland

I’ll go over them in order.

  1. Dat and Italy died
  2. Italy is revived
  3. Dat is revived
  4. Wazze dies
  5. Dat dies again
  6. Italy and Blizer are burned
  7. Emila walked into a room where 3 corpse are, 2 people are unconcious and the Sentry bot is
  8. Emila is zapped by the Sentry bot again
  9. Nothing
  10. Zone wakes up and finds the Sentry bot
  11. Zone asks if he can attack me when he means Gorta
  12. Emila and Hippo are trapped in a room where a security door or a locked door block all exits
  13. PKR blows himself up
  14. Gorta is accidently killed by zone
  15. Zone is jailed
  16. Hippo no scopes Marshal
  17. Hippo kills the Tycoon
  18. Emila shoots herself and Zone starves to death
  19. Hippo is the last player alive

apprentice had to pick between me and dat for reviving after gorta toasted the room to drag out and then revive
obviously they picked the fireball of fury and revenge who would proceed to spend the entire game doing nothing but hunting gorta over the psychotic who needed to steal somebody’s identity and win as them