MISC: Fortified Tower 2. GAME OVER. Haunted and Medic win

In case anyone was wondering

Left 1 - Clear
Left 2 - Clear
Left 3 - Clear
Left 4 - Clear
Left 5 - Alarm
Left 6 - Clear
Left 7 - Clear
Left 8 - Lights - Security Door
Left 9 - Sleep Darts - Security Door
Left 10 - Riddle Door, Security Door
Left 11 - Clear
Left 12 - Security Turret

Middle 1 - Clear
Middle 2 - Clear
Middle 3 - Clear
Middle 4 - Clear
Middle 5 - Security Door
Middle 6 - Lights
Middle 7 - Alarm
Middle 8 - Sleep Darts
Middle 9 - Tar - Lights
Middle 10 - Alarm
Middle 11 - Alarm
Middle 12 - Locked doors - Alarm

Right 1 - Tar
Right 2 - Clear
Right 3 - Clear
Right 4 - Wall
Right 5 - Clear
Right 6 - Clear
Right 7 - Clear
Right 8 - Lights + Door
Right 9- Wall + Lights
Right 10 - Lights
Right 11 - Wall (Destroyed by bomb)
Right 12- Turret + Insanity gas

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I really wish you won, I didnā€™t care if I lost as long as you won ;-;

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20% Insanity chance got him

Damn that Sentry bot lol

Itā€™s fine. I wanted death ASAP at a certain point anyways. ā€¦I really donā€™t like how things came to be. A lot of stuff were unclear about the game, and I donā€™t like that.

For example, I couldnā€™t shield Emilia from the Turrets, but she can hold me down and let Marshal taser me.

It actually didnā€™t affect you any worse than being attacked by two people

Nice to see that I got to solve the only Riddle Door. Kinda iffy on the answer though.

Youā€™re saying that my inability to kill the Tycoon thrice was because of hunger and bad rolls?

Aye. Sorry to have let you down.

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1 bad roll
2 stunned by taser hit
3 koed by taser

ā€¦okay. This much is fair.

i had to axe the tycoon 3 times before he died he a slippery bastard

Having some mechanics of the game not being transparent is a fair criticism.

However, I also never kept them hidden and answered any questions about them

Mmnā€¦ fair.

why not just feed on the tycoon

Attack = Feed. Marshal and Emilia were there to stop me though.

Base mod comments


Like I hinted, I was only a part of the design of this game. It was a community product so mechanics, Language and balancing varied violently in places. The parts I alone designed (traps, sanity etc) were balanced well and explained clearly. The rest I pretty much CandP from the hub thread for this game type and left as is. Thia created some confusion which I apologise for and would be changed should I ever host this again.

The pace of the game really suffered from just 2 extra floors, but I needed space for extra playersā€¦ But the Sentry bot literally getting everyone once (patrolling at random mind you) didnā€™t help either. Also security locking the doorsā€¦ Lol. Such a time waste too.

Iā€™ll comment on players on the order they died in (winners last)

Wazza - Kidnapper 5/10 - Killed by Zone

Unwise to reveal your role considering you canā€™t win with most people in the game. That said. Your role is criminally underpowered and needs buffing. Got zapped and then eaten.

Dat - Alien Fugitive 5.5/10 - Shot by Blizer

Unwisely revealed your intentions to kill the only person in the room who was armed, but I take some blame for that as your rolecard really gave you cause to be reckless. Got unlucky both with combat rolls and after being revived, running into Italy again. Lol.

Italy - Cop 6\10 - Burned by Gorta

Got revived after the shoot out with Dat, but trusted Blizer (correctlyā€¦ But was weird) and didnā€™t make moves to expose Gorta or get away from him before it was too late. You stopped using Cop chat as well when you and Blizer united. Unlucky to not kill Gorta though.

Blizer - Cop 6/10 - Burned by Gorta

Same criticisms as Italy tbh. Lol

Eevee - Soldier 3/10 - Modkilled due to Inactivity

I loved your early scheming. Locking everyone down below so they fight?! Getting people to out roles so you can murder them? Genius. Figuring someone (Pkr) broke through because of the triggered alarm was also very good play.

Then came the moment you found him. You for some reason had a change of heart and wanted to help him win, so I had to remind you, you canā€™t win if dead. After being salty with me (Eh. Fair maybe) you opted to attack him, then felt bad about it and became openly hostile with me and refusing to do basic things (Like submit actions in Your classcard) - so much so that I wanted to can the game - only people like Hippo who were saying they were enjoying it kept me going. Despite being warned, you still didnā€™t submit an action and got modkilled.

Pkr - Bomber 4/10 - Killed self with Bomb

Major tactical error to begin. You had no reason to go so high in the tower to begin with. You also found no weapons to help you, and revealed your real Roleā€¦ When you only win with a role that can learn your identity without you telling them

After getting shot by eevee, you came up with a good ā€˜Screw youā€™ plan butā€¦ Decided to do nothing instead? Eventually killed themselves after Eevee was modkilled.

Gorta - Firestarter 7/10 - Killed by zone

Nice play (albeit lucky) burning the cops. Did some sensible plays until you took a massive risk trying to feed zoneā€¦ Instead of mentioning the blood trail in literally the next room. Lol.

Marshal - Guard 7/10 - Shot by Hippo

Developed a good strat with Eevee at the start, but after his removal you camped the mid instead of searching for supplies. Managed to stop Zone, but lost far too much sanity jailing Emila (which was an iffy play to begin with).

Got rekt by Hippo unluckily, especially as he was the last threat to the tycoon.

Emila - Businessman 6.5/10 - Suicide due to Insanity

Played the early game cautiously but really needed to help out Marshal at all costs instead of trying to regain sanity in the fight with Zone. Could have just left mid 12 instead of try and get thrown in jail.

Zone - Vampire 6.5/10 - Starved (Due to Insanity)

Your desire to be altruistic was admirable - but Vampire was already underpowered - tying your hands like that was a big oof.

Thanks to Gorta, you got a shot at the tycoon, but you wanted death. Instead of that, you got jail. But suddenly, Hippo gives you a shot at winning! But then Insanity mocks you and gives you the death you wanted. Rip.

N1 - Thief 5.5/10 - Shot by Gun Turret

Really unwise to stay so low for so long. You were just begging to get picked off by a lurking psycho killer. You wasted multiple turns searching for traps in rooms where they could never spawnā€¦ I stopped telling you that after a while lol.

After eventually making your move, you panicked off the safe route and lost a 11/36 chance and got sniped - but you still had to get past the insanity gas to win.

Apprentice - Medic 10/10 - Victorious

Loved your sneaky strat to heal who you could. Worthy winner

Hippo - Haunted 9.5/10 - Victorious

Early game just wandered blindly, but the second you realised how good your ability was, you played flawlessly and got the luck you needed at the right time. Well played


blizer ever trying to save me basically confirmed he was good

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Sure but not certainly

if blizer was corrupt his best move was to plant a bullet into apprentice and move on

Probably lel