MISC: Fortified Tower 2. GAME OVER. Haunted and Medic win

Hm… sounds tempting for Floor 10 & 11.
Too bad it doesn’t exist in Floor 12’s Left and Right wing.

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Do these bots send unconscious non-guard players to the jail as well?

  • Do you mean “upon exiting to the next level”?
  • Does the poison do anything else aside from the 50% insta-death and 25% KO?
    Are the two side-effects correlated? (I.e. Do you roll once or twice for the poison?)
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How exactly does this one work? Will it kill or injure people?

What is a double ranged attack?

The Sentry bot leaves the targets unconcious. It doesn’t move them

The gas either kills, renders unconcious or does nothing. I compute the effects in the same roll. You only are only danger based on your location during the turn.

If it doesn’t kill I check for the other effects.

I test to see if it hits and if it kills//wounds twice

Humu… I understand that whether one is afflicted or not is based on their location in the room, but I have to confirm: Upon activation, are the effects correlated? (I.e. 50% killing, 25% KO and 25% nothing?)

…hm? Do you check this per player, or just once at the start? Could you give a set of example cases?

Oh, so it attacks twice?

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The rolls on poisonous gas are correlated

The rolls for mines are independent for each effect and player until an effect is added or all rolls are passed



Independent “for each effect” and “for each player”… in other words, you roll (3 * players) dices?
Until an effect is added… I don’t understand.

Erm… Let’s say there are 3 players, and one player triggered a mine.
What do you do then? How many dice do you roll, and for which effect?

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Player who triggered the mine I roll to see if they die. If they don’t, they are just wounded

Player in the room. I check to see if they die. Then I check to see if they are wounded.

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Humu… I see now. Thank you for answering!

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No problem.

Sorry I was asking moreso if people who killed the Tycoon needed to leave the tower alive afterward

@Moleland can two people kill the tycoon at once?

Yes they do

Well… I guess yeah. But it doesn’t matter which one does. They can still both win

I just slightly buffed Head of Surveillance.

What does it mean by “where possible”?

Ugh… How does this one work? What entails an encounter? Is being in the same room enough, or do they have to touch one another physically? Also, is the P. Doctor immune to the Plague?