MISC: Fortified Tower 2. GAME OVER. Haunted and Medic win

Humu. Okay.

…so folks: We have 13 players and the first 4 floors only has 12 floors. In other words, not all of us are at Level 1~4.

I say, let’s race to the top!

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i already won all give up and stop playing


…the smallest halved sensitivity upon leaving is 25%.
In other words, even if you risk 20~50% of checking for a trap, you will still have to risk not activating it upon exiting the room… :sweat:

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This is gonna be a long game :eyes:

People better be submting stuff.


It’s still worth it.

Imagine toxic gas.
90% activating on leaving a room and 40% on checking for traps.

You can either just leave (90%) or check to half it (40%) and leave (45%) for total of (~67%)

That goes even lower if you have reduction for activation / checking. For example case let’s say it’s 20% on both.
Just leave (70%) vs check (20%) and leave (25%) for total of (40%)

What if it was 40% reduction on both?
(50%) vs (0% and 5%) total of (5%)

So from 20% less chance of activating without reduction to 45% less with reduction?
It’s worth it.

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I am not saying it isn’t worth it.
I am saying this is painful.

I hereby express my GREATEST HATE towards this role. They may only have 2 Vials, but I HATE the silent status effect. Not only that, but it can only be cured by ONE role; the Medic.

I would hate to play as this role, and I would hate to fight against this role.

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No… You can’t silently status people. I hate it.

Ha ha. Plague doctor goes blerrrgh

Okay, so… I am assuming that -with the exception of Cops- there are no duplicate roles.

With that information, there are only a limited amount of roles that have Walkie Talkies:
Guards, Cops, Soldier, and Specialist.

In addition, all Security know about the Businessman’s existence.

So… any topics to talk about? Because I’m kinda bored already.

How about the 7th Floor? No traps in Left 7 and Right 7, in exchange for 50% obstacle.
Meanwhile, Middle 7 has 0~70 Trap Points and 10% obstacle.

Guards can be duplicated too

I get the meme. I never found it funny.
Also, for me it’s not “you can’t”, but “you shouldn’t”.

…you really need to elaborate on the role distribution. At this rate we might even have 6 Players who are protecting the Tycoon.

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What if everyone is guarding the tycoon :thinking:

Impossible, since I am not a member of Security.

–also while it’s a shame that @Mistyx is not in the game, I have a message in case there is a Bomber: “Please DO NOT USE YOUR BOMBS UNLESS NECESSARY.”

We need at least one bomb to destroy the Gun Turrets at the 12th Floor. In case the Hacker is in play as well… then I guess we will use the Bomber as our backup plan.


You know, usually gun turret is from one side and something else from the other.

It’s still waste of few turns to go around tho.

Mole has 65 points worth of “something else” though?

But… the door will be locked as soon as we enter Left 12 and Right 12 though?

It cna be one trap form 50 to 155.

So like a single mine is enough.

Or like security door and sleep dart.
Which would be most underwhelming combo in entrance to tycoon room ever.

Nah, doors from left/right 12 TOWARD middle 12 are locked.

So you need and axe or search for a key there.

Actually this combo is like the main reason you should scout for traps in most of the rooms.

Like if I entered the room and saw nothing, it could be toxic gas, so going around might be necessary or it could be just a freakign sleep dart with auto-closing doors, where I would just go forward on halved chances (since searching would half the chance of those tirggeting anyway).

30% of getting sleep dart for 1-2 turn in room just before tycoon vs fighting a turret/mine/whatever?

Yes, please.

so whats the meta usually like? if i meet someone will they normally instantly try kill me lol

Nay, the only people who will kill you regardless of faction are the Psycho, the Bomber, the Plague Doctor and the Dark One.

…now that I am seeing the wincons, I suddenly don’t think the Bomber will work with anyone. (Too bad @Simon is not in this game. He is probably the only person I know who will play with altruism in mind…)