MISC: Fortified Tower 2. GAME OVER. Haunted and Medic win

bomber gang rise up

But 5 people claimed bomber and I have no reason to believe they are lying. I unconditionally trust everyone here

we do refer to those as jokes around here

nah I think the more likely answer is that there are 5 bombers

alright everyone plant your bombs
we’re bringing this tower to the ground

you’re acting like I haven’t already planted and am currently detonating

Guys, I have totally valid info.

There is no trap in left 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11.
You can go this way safely.


thanks for the heads up

hey dat are you a bomber as well?

no should i be though?

he’s not one of us
surround him

you’re boxed in fool


an actual picture of Dat rn

Nah, it’s colorzied version from 2020.

ok, well guess ill activate a trap then, luckily eevee told me where all those no trapped rooms are

death isn’t an escape

sure, but i wasnt going to die. U were. I was gonna hold onto one of the traps til i get surrounded

I’m already dead get on my level

thats not good, i was going to do that