MISC: Fortified Tower 2. GAME OVER. Haunted and Medic win

I have also beaten that damn turbo tunnel with no savestates, but I am still stuck on level 4 of that game

By the way @eevee, where did you die and who killed you?
@Moleland, are we allowed to talk about this?


Gahā€¦ in that case:
To whoever killed eevee: I WILL end your life.

I need 6 actions still peeps

Modkill them

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Or no balls

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Are u allowed to say this, now we all know eevee ded lol

He wonā€™t have any balls to modkill me because I donā€™t know eeveeā€™s killer and you guys donā€™t know whether I might even be eeveeā€™s killer --if he is even dead to begin with.

Now then, is there any particular reason why you want me dead aside from the awkward silece, Mr. Psychopath?

Letā€™s get those actions in gamers

How is everyone enjoying the game so far?

Iā€™m having loads of fun


Yeah Iā€™ve killed 11 ppl already itā€™s going great

Watch out

thatā€™s impossible, Iā€™ve killed 12. why isnā€™t game over?

2 more actions needed

Does this mean someone else ded

It doesnā€™t not mean that nobody died at all.

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It means that Iā€™m back alive.

Thanks doc.