MISC: Fortified Tower 2. GAME OVER. Haunted and Medic win

The name’s Yeetus. Hippo, Yeetus :sunglasses: :gun: :sunglasses:

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Oh no everyone else is dead

wow only 1 player alive what a legend


The Tycoon was killed and The Haunted escaped!

@Hippolytus wins

4 people were helped successfully and they escaped!

@Apprentice wins

Everyone else loses

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fuck da magically appearing steel door
spooked me right into death
that is all

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Hamburger Helper

amazing that neither i nor my corpse was never in the same room as an alive player

I was in a room with 5 alive players once

apprentice we met on turn 2 and both won what are the odds

I win, haha nerds


@Emilia fuck i’m sorry

I didn’t realize you needed tycoon alive


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I wanted to follow you but I was just trying to stick with the largest group of people. As you left the room Dat and Italy had a shootout

I hid in tycoon room for 1 irl week lmfao

Tbh I thought Dat was gonna just blast you as you tried to leave

I stopped checking for traps as soon as it was actually possible for them to appear for me

were u actually bad

I was security guard lmao

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