[Misc] Forum Battle Royale - Round 25 (1/10) - Jane is the victor!

So technically, it’s a literal “maximum potential of the average” but I find it hard to believe that anyone would be able to draw out that potential when they also have to worry about other mechanics.

I think we’ll both be the biggest targets out there Zone. I kind of regret announcing where I am now.

The easiest way to understand is with an example:
If you fight a Shotgun User with a Pan, you can probably win in 5 Turns.
…but they will probably kill you in 3 Turns.

Oh, I know I will be a target.
I was never not the target.

Not sure what to do about your situation though. I thought people would learn from the proverb “truth is silver, but silence is golden” when it comes to an information-war game.

Eh. Every player has 8 Turns to spend in 1 Round.
It might be wasteful, but as long as you spend a lot of them (around 4~6 maybe) on moving around, then you might be able to lose them.

You might be unable to lose being tracked by the global map, but at least you’d be able to lose your pursuers. (That is, assuming you are uncomfortable being sandwiched by 2 other players.)

If you’re cool with them, then you probably don’t need to avoid them.

By the way @Whysper, what happened to this feature? Are we getting constant updates on global positions instead of the periodical update?

Hey, whoever is at (3,3)…
I don’t know whether you went through west of east from those mountains, but… in case you went west: Did you find anything special on (2,4)?

Scrapped concept I guess.

Kind of a shame, really.
I get that it’s more boring, but when it comes to information-war, having a constant GPS tracking your movement is actually very painful if everyone were equally hyped.

Having fortune in misfortune though, this game is not entirely filled with “hyped players”.

I mean…

I tried to set up an alliance.

But everyone was AFK so sadge.

…eh, I might as well ask for one now.
It ain’t like it’ll get any better for the slankers any time soon anyway.

Wanna have truce?

Shrug sure.

I doubt the truce would last any longer than maybe… 5 to 6 rounds?

hello yes you called

Oh, I love that quote. I’ve only heard the “silence is golden part” but the “truth is silver” is cool :slight_smile:

Ahhh yes, I changed that. I think it will help more for conversations to see everyone. Also, you already have to guess a lot on what to do for actions, so seeing where everyone starts each round doesn’t change things too much. It at least gives everyone some room to guess what people will do and try to counter that. A little more thought into actions, plus more into trying to bluff with each other.

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Hm… I’ll hold a truce until Round 5 ends.
We’ll see whether an extension is beneficial when the time comes.

I checked the actual quote, and I apparently misremembered. The actual quote is: “Speech is silver, but silence is golden.”

…personally, I like mine more.


Hm… very well.
This is… within acceptable range.

Theoretically speaking, it’s beneficial to set up alliances as it doubles your chances of survival in a way.

However there comes a point where it becomes better to backstab each other.

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I will say this
I started near mid
how near?
who knows
