[MISC] Karma - (canned)

/In time to do stuff

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Don’t worry, I’ll die before you

I doubt it lol

So basically release false information to keep the public of Dante’s ass and make the investigative team look good even if they’re just a bunch of idiots, got it.

As long as I get my pay check, Tarnation America.

This game is basically juggernaut vs the world, right?

One player will be Dante L. He will have numerous resources has no parents, a shit ton of money and has a personal Buttler. L Batman must use his resources money to find the murderer, got it.

~(Some of the words didn’t cross out)~

Sugar addicted

I fixed my mistakes.

I am reposting this because it is not riddled with DirectorHail’s mistakes.

One player will be a bad boy just so the other roles have a purpose, you don’t want to kill people? To bad bitch Magnus made you a murderer just so this game had a plot

L is a relatable character because I, too, eat a LOT of cake (Have I mentioned a LOT of whip cream too? Ew) and can’t sit properly

Anyway technically speaking he is more evil than Kira because Kira at least have a good taste in food potato chips

This sentence exists so I can post this.

I don’t know why I’m doing this.

Doesn’t need to be edited, this is already pure.

Are you a journalist IRL

No, I’m An average person a bored teenager with no life.

You explain like you used to be one