[MISC] Karma - (canned)

-> The Judge

(You said you wanted a bigger role… but just stopped answering my questions)

Just interview the lawyer kappa

Tank Regulations - An Article by Tess Ardent

It is now legal for Tess Ardent to own a tank. Anybody who questions the possession of a tank is subject to termination.

(Article by Tess Ardent)


Steals tank
Self-legalizes it


Tess Ardent - Free from the corruption of the Police.

My name is Tess Ardent. I was recently subjected to an unlawful arrest and thrown in court. The court verdict was that I was guilty, however this is completely false. The Detective by the name of Detective Zachary shot out my tires and caused me to crash.

The judge ruled corruptly and I was sentenced to jail. But with YOUR help, we managed to take down these dictators and free me, Tess Ardent. I am the voice of the people. We must overthrow this government if they continue with such corrupt intent.

I would like to personally thank everyone who helped me avoid being detained.

Article by Tess Ardent


Tessa Ardent, Flagrant Law Avoider

By: Thomas Paine

The recent decision from the courts was blatantly made a mockery of by the one the only Tessa Ardent. Claiming to be released by the people in an exclusive interview, she is now “going to take revenge”. For one, the verdict was handed down by a panel of judges, so the claim that the courts were corrupt is highly unlikely. Second of all this sets a dangerous president that public figures can skirt by the law with no consequences. This abuse of power and status from Tessa Ardent cannot go ignored! It’s frankly common sense to me

~Signed, Thomas Paine


I really feel unmotivated due to real life and other RP stuff, but this takes the cake


how so?

Wait Squid

Dangan RP?

I don’t think I’m allowed to say, but uh… it’s out of control

And yeah, Shuri, I’ve been doing Danganronpa RPs

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Can I spec a few kappa

I’m actively only in one right now, but there’s other RPs I’ve applied to that are still going through the application phase

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I just got
Super interested in dangan and considering buying games

they are really good games

Okay, fuck this, I’m out

I just realised I can talk to Squid over Discord Im dum dum XD



someone upset that a little trial didnt go their way :slight_smile: