[Misc] Minority Rule 10: Risk Edition -- Marshal and NuclearBurrito Win!

and you can just win a (presumably) 50/50 or 1/3 and guarantee win

yes but winning here and not gambling it is strictly better then living here and risking an autoloss

oh thought u were going holy

living here and playing for instant win
I know what you’re heading for marshal

And I’m not sure everyone else sees it

Also living here is really hard regardless

I told you I’m in Force.

I’m going secrecy. This is lock.

a 33% at best chance at winning here without even factoring in outside factors

is what anyone who picks holy gets

I’m going holy.

This is lock

you SUCK I’m not LEAVING

me is going force

I been in Secrecy and aint switching even if like everyone else says they are too

This is LoCK

You’ll go saint, survive this round due to getting a status effect (could be cursed, could be not), and then we rely on force to swing the game


I’m not going to saint

Yes you will

It’s gamethrowing if you won’t
Nuclear doesn’t want to go there (or secrecy) since they can die from majority if they go there
Dat will not swap
I will not swap


I won’t swap either, so have fun dying :^)

Fuck it
I’m killing everyone

If you do, it’ll be 4/2/2 and there’s a 50% chance that we will tie and not win in coins.

i don’t think either of us have coins, so it’s a 50% autoloss basically.
and even if we get lucky then one of us will have a 50% chance at basically autolosing anyways.

remember, nuke wants maj