[Misc] Minority Rule 10: Risk Edition -- Marshal and NuclearBurrito Win!

Also getting saint is basically instawin

Actually Iā€™ll probably just stay in secrecy

Im like I like to beleive people wont lie, but knowing these people and their plays this game I barely trust a certain group of ya

i just dont know whats the best descision anymore

im stickinā€™ in holy

secrecy is probably just as auto-winny as saint but iā€™ll take the gamble

Iā€™ll be honest here dat
Iā€™m trying to con everyone else into going secrecy by reverse psychology in order to snipe force and win

But now this is a con to get people to go to force, but u know i would think this so idfk my brain hurts

If I can get 3 people (includes me) to stick in force, thatā€™s a 66+% chance to survive
Thatā€™s better than relying on the tossup that secrecy being dangerous does

Me and Dat are in secrecy. Do not come in here if you want to survive this round or next round. With people in force, anyone else that comes in here is basically guaranteed to die this round or next round. Thanks for coming to my ted talk.

Does the room kill go before or after the force push?

8 players alive

3/3/2 split is likely

im just going holy

anyone can come with me but if they lose a 50/50 gamble itā€™s basic autoloss next round

not to mention force is a thing, meaning that thereā€™s another 50% chance that we will have 3

basically, if anyone chooses holy, they got a 50% chance of a basic autoloss, + 17%

so a 66% chance at best to have a chance if even 1 person goes in holy with me.
thatā€™s not factoring in majority being a thing or more than 1 person joining in

after force push

@Hippolytus @Jane
confirm your force picks with me

iā€™m taking the odds because i know that someone joining in with me is far too strange.


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saint is a godsend to pick up

I am going force

and cursed means you likely do not win next round

ESPECIALLY because itā€™s a ! room

but thatā€™s better than losing this round