[Misc] Minority Rule 10: Risk Edition -- Marshal and NuclearBurrito Win!

You’re going to die if you stay in here Geyde, I’m not moving

You don’t even have to announce that you flake

I know what you’re trying to do :^)

I can’t flake
And if I move to force I guaranteed die

sulit don’t let him try to convince you to go elsewhere

don’t listen to his lies, slander, and blasphemy


If I go to a room with confirmed 4+ people, do you think I’ll survive

I literally can’t move

if you are the 4th confirmed people, yes

you havea. rand 50% chance of it

If you are only person in holy, at best its 4/1/3

Jgoes might flake
Nuclear might
I don’t see anyone else flaking to holy

emphasis on might for nuke

Should i head to holy?

it’s a shitty idea

you locked in secrecy

go back now and no balls

do what you want
whatever you do don’t announce it

yeah but geyde making me feel bad for my pick

Don’t let his lies and slander and evil infect your beautiful mind dat.

since nuclear can just yeet themselves to secrecy if you say you go there

This is hilarious

I know
But fml