[Misc] Minority Rule 10: Risk Edition -- Marshal and NuclearBurrito Win!

like to me this game is a matter of being truthful and hoping rng wins me it. Like I havent lied where i been, and that won me 9, and im gonna see if it wins me this

i also havenā€™t lied and will continue to not lie.


I also havenā€™t lied about where Iā€™ve gone

i could of swore ya did. maybe i missed u changing it


I announced going mystery despite several people saying they wanted to go there
I went there
I announced going permanency
I went there

first i said i was going cards. Went to cards.

then said i was going evil. Went evil.

now im swearing im going holy and i sure as hell am going holy


Iā€™ve tried fucking with people trying to get them to go where I want them to, but I havenā€™t lied about what Iā€™m doing

idk all i know is for sure i dont trust Nuc as they flip flopped a lot this game, doesnt really matter as they are insane and wont tell us jack

Imma go with my gut, my gut says im good. Might have changed rooms guys

Donā€™t even try to call me a liar
Iā€™ve tried to get you killed several times

yah I know

The only people I havenā€™t tried to kill have been hippo / em

Well, actively at least


There are like a lot of ways you can play this game

I tried passive strat last time and it didnā€™t work out

hmmmm, well i hope it works out in the end. But I got shit to do. gtg