[Misc] Minority Rule 10: Risk Edition -- Marshal and NuclearBurrito Win!

you’re trying to make them afraid
I’m trying to make them not afraid
anything I can do to get ahead I will do

it’s also been in the interest of jgoes and emelia

i promised them if i could not win then i would do my best to helo them out.

Im just going with gut

LMAO you don’t have the moral high ground

im telling dat to read objectively and think for himself and not blindly trust you

get off of your minority rule high horse

this back and forth is kinda exhausting and I’m feeling like an ass
just let dat choose

i have no more worries over yall. Yall can do whatever, if i win i do, if i lose i do. dont care

I’ll let him choose

just telling him, look at it objectivly, and make the best possible choice he can make

I was trying to take you off your horse, because I’m reasoning that your play objectively puts you ahead

I was also telling him the factors that could make up his decision
I thought you misrepped sulit

Mostly given the lack of any ‘why’

ofc it does

but im telling dat just to look at this from a distance and not blindly trust you. He can agree with you or disagree with you, that’s up to him, but acting like agreeing with me here is manipulation is wrong.

And about being on a high horse
yes, but it’s more for mechanics

I’m trying to win
Improving my chances by getting dat to flake is exactly in my advantage to do

I’m clearly trying to manipulate them
I just really hate being called out for things that I don’t think are true

Here’s the deal. Force is a death trap for everyone, if it’s the minority then the clever guy who took advantage of it is pushed out into the majority, if it’s the majority then odds are you are staying there to face the music.

So between holy and secrecy you want to be the only one picking secrecy.

holy is almost as much of a death trap as force is, but unlike force it has an out with saint, making it slightly safer. However even if it’s not the majority, people will still die to the curse. So it’s risky. More importantly it has the !, meaning next round, aka: the probably final round, you will be screwed.

Therefore, your wincondition is to get everyone else to flake out of secrecy and take it for yourself.

The thing about all of this is that it give me a way to guarantee a win. I just choose force. Like I said it will probably push you out if it’s minority and keep you in if it’s majority.

If force is majority I stay in and live. If force is minority I’m pushed out.

If I’m pushed to holy and it’s minority I take saint and live. If I’m pushed to holy and it’s majority then I may or may not take saint but still live. Being cursed next round is a problem however.

If I’m pushed to secrecy, it’s going to be majority and I live.

Simply put, secrecy is the everyones only option and thus force is a free win for me.

this is all known
secrecy is mechanically still the best pick

picking force can get you sent to non majority

The odds are drastically in my favor no matter what everyone else does.

you have about as good as a shot as everyone else does
I’d wager marshal has a better shot


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He’s cursed and is competing for saint with Sulit. His odds are 50/50 at best.