[Misc] Minority Rule 10: Risk Edition -- Marshal and NuclearBurrito Win!

@DatBird @sulit

remember that if you both flake, ya go in holy and very very very very liekly lose

decide amongst yourself who flakes if one of you does decide to do so

gg btw
Iā€™m honestly okay with anyone winning here

lul ok

sulit never flakes here
when someone says what they have said, they are going all in

so if someone flakes it is dat


her tone makes me feel unsafe

@DatBird just quick reminder that if sulit flakes and you do, you lose


youā€™re trying to sow doubt in dat
Iā€™ll make this clear for their decision making

Mostly because you have no reason not to bullshit here

i encourage him to read for himself

but if you think ā€œsulit flakesā€ isnā€™t always a world you are wrong

she flaked last time with no indication

you tried to make the decision for him by saying what you did
donā€™t go below the belt

I called everyone to go insanity

Thatā€™s a pretty good reason and they stuck to it until the end



Iā€™m assuming you have class

no I have cake to make

nice try btw

iā€™m telling him

Flaking is a big risk and he should think for himselfā€¦ does sulit flake?

you saying that she never does is below the belt

you donā€™t care for dat this game
you are solely trying to win

all of your actions since round 2 have been for self interest