[Misc] Minority Rule 10: Risk Edition -- Marshal and NuclearBurrito Win!

I picked Myserty

You better get out of Mystery right now or I swear I’ll get my mallet out

ok screw you guys I’m going to life

no, im saving the group get out

I’m not getting out

No matter what y’all say

I have dedicated my life to staying in Mystery so I recommend you all find better places

i was gonna choose a room that wasn’t cards, but hippo’s most recent post convinced me to stay

you’re just gonna swap at last second
I know this :^)

if I am then I’m also announcing it. Lying about the room you are going to has only downsides.

I’ve already dedicated myself to mystery, I’m not leaving. Just know that there will be someone guaranteed inside mystery if you pick it.

Same. I’m more stubborn than you.

I’ll never leave Mystery so just know there are 2 people in it

And there’s three people in cards.

wait do we have to pick now?

Yes lol.

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You still have like 26 hours though, dw.

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can I come join y’all in cards?

nah we have 5 ppl already pledged to cards

@N.1 15 hours remain to pick a room

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