[Misc] Minority Rule 10: Risk Edition -- Marshal and NuclearBurrito Win!

Because you can get sniped by force

i have 2

but force will prob be the largest

Also because despite saying ā€˜fuck itā€™, sulit is guaranteed to go there

I guess i could go holy, gives like 50 50 on like Marshals life

It wonā€™t

three alive players confirmed canā€™t go holy
and getting saint is guaranteed survival

and right now u hippo, jgoes are there. so isnā€™t it a death trap

It also carries risk for nuclearburrito to go there since theyā€™ll lose their effect and can die to majority if itā€™s in saint

like I said
everybody is going to bluff this round
itā€™s important to avoid nuclearburrito


I know you :^)

this game is about evaluating expected outcomes
you know marshal is sticking to holy for the prize

you know sulit is going to stick onto secrecy

And datbird is trying really hard to argue why they can stay in secrecy.
They probably already chose it

sulit will switch to holy last minute to fuck with people

Iā€™m not sure about Jgoes, Nuclearburrito, emilia, and hippo. and thatā€™s what Iā€™m trying to figure out in order to increase my chances of winning

Nuke, if they want to go for the insanity strat, stays in force.
If they want to maximize their chances of survival they go holy

I respect that


Secrecy looks to me like a ticking time bomb
Thatā€™s why I want to split secrecy/holy so bad