[Misc] Minority Rule 10: Risk Edition -- Marshal and NuclearBurrito Win!


Geyde is really just using pro strats and getting all of the female forumers to not pick mystery as to maximise his chances of winning

Gravity I said gravity is the bomb


I’d like to think I had foresight
But this, for me, is just a solid strat

If you are a racist like me pick Cards, we will stand strong together and unite.

/in @Braixen?

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this is a strat

you know what hippo do you want to be part of marshals gamer club as well?

Just a reminder that I am picking Mystery.

This means there are 3 total players picking Mystery. Picking it makes it a likely majority.

Bish, get out of there. I’m on Mystery!

well marshal’s gamer squad is playing poker in cards so kindly screw off <3

Screw you I called it 2nd.

I didn’t say anything when I joined the room, so I could have been the first one in there

I am going into protection leave me be

Neither did I.

I only said when I called it.

Actually this gives me an idea to use next time we have a Minority Rule.

Secretly give 1-2ish players insanity plus a mechanic that will try and keep insanity in play for awhile. This gives people a reason to lie about where they are going and thus adds an additional layer of WIFOM that doesn’t come from the rooms at all.

I’m going mystery, get lost you asda chocolate bar stealers.

Luck isn’t on your side remember minority rule 3 lol

Good, I’m going to get the Saint status and survive.