[Misc] Resistance: Throne of Lies - CANNED


If you lie here, I will cry at the end of the game:

Are you Unseen?

Itā€™s the first node, so thereā€™s not really that much to say. Simons logic of ā€œkatze, kai and soulshade are not set up to be a mission commander or sheriffā€ is probably the best logic we can use given almost nobody is having proper discourse. Which is disappointing me as well, which I think Iā€™ve already made clear.

With that said, Iā€™ve got a few reads already. Unfortunately, both of the other people in the node Iā€™ve really got nothing on.

Any particular reason why that is?

If your reads are Unseen reads, do share them. There is no harm in not. Itā€™ll also give us an idea of whether or not your integrity will stay the same after this missionā€™s result is revealed.

:thinking: I get ā€œUnseen or no read at allā€ but giving my scum reads indirectly gives out my town reads, too.

Iā€™ll pass for now, until they become more important to the game. Especially because I donā€™t have a general read on everybody yet.

The team was Accepted!
Proposal: @Simon, @Ami, @katze

Accept Simon, Kai_5, Katze, Shurian, Magnus, KyoDaz, WazzaAzza 7/10
Reject Isaac_Gonzalez, Soulshade55r, Andrej 3/10

please submit your action in your classcard

Aight, that was quick.

Soul and Andrej quite literally havenā€™t posted once since this started.

Magnus/Wazza have, barely.

I find it interesting how 2/3 of the reject votes are from people who are dead silent.

Maybe Iā€™m just reading too much into it, though.

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Iā€™ve (probably) bruised my arm bone,

I canā€™t type much.

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Gotcha. Canā€™t really fault you for that, then.

Hope that it feels better then :heart:

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And Iā€™m hoping you arenā€™t Unseen.

As am I to you, especially since youā€™re the first Sheriff.

I want everyone who accepted to explain why.

The first 3 and me, I can understand but for the other 3, Iā€™m curious.

because im commander
they dont really need to defend themselves, they didnt volunteer. i chose them

wouldnt it make much more sense to ask why people rejected? again, its the first mission. theres basically no reason not to accept imo

I wasnā€™t asking them to defend themselves. Iā€™m was asking them why theyā€™d be good to have on a mission.
Why are you trying to refrain people from asking questions and gaining reads?
Why did you answer that question for them?

No, because thatā€™s the obvious thing to ask.

Thatā€™s why Iā€™m asking the people who accepted.

im saying theres no point at this time. nothing has been done so theres really no point imo.
ā€œwhy would they be good on a missionā€ so are you looking for a flavor answer or are you asking them to claim?

and i didnt give an answer for them, i said that they shouldnt need to be asked, since i chose them, rather than me accepting their application, so to speak

No. I asked that question specifically to them because it wouldnā€™t reveal class information. Others giving input with town reads risks outing claim information.

Why would you try and stop someone from being asked a question? I wasnā€™t asking them why they were selected. I was asking them why theyā€™d be good to have in this mission.

Oh yeah, youā€™re here.

Why did you accept that node?

It gives us information.