[Misc] Resistance: Throne of Lies - CANNED

Game hosted by Napoleon and co-hosted by MaximusPrime. Game is inspired by Resistance: Avalon.

In a land far far away, stood the Castle of Adiart. The vanquish of the Unseen had become a cause of celebration - which ended with the execution of the black-hearted King, who was replaced by the Prince. Under the rule of the loyal servants of the kingdom - the Blue Dragon, Adiart flourished. Crime plummeted, happiness skyrocketed, and the Kingdom’s strength had become unmatched by any other. It should have been a very happy time for the citizens of Adiart.

However, the Kingdom was not without its sympathizers to the forces of evil. The Mastermind of the Unseen had inspired many people – and many of them believed that the oppressive policies that the Unseen had proposed was necessary for the sustainability of Adiart. As the years passed by, the King had grown old and the loyal servants of the Blue Dragon had become careless. Concerned about the threats that came from the rivaling Kingdom - Rhulian, the Blue Dragon had failed to address the radicals forming within.

The King of Rhulian noticed this tension, and decided to capitalize on it. The King of Rhulian sent agents to infiltrate Adiart, and as a result, they were able to sponsor and organize the Unseen-sympathizers. As the rebels voted on their leader, a new Mastermind was appointed. The Unseen now lived once more.

At first, the royal family took this threat as an inconsquential matter – it was nothing the Sheriff couldn’t fix, right? However, the Unseen had much more strength than the King realized - he would learn the hard way that the police force was no longer reliable. The increase of assassinations, mass murder ,and scandals served as a wake-up slap to the King of Adiart. Realizing the magnitude of the threat, the King sent his royal guards to suppress the Unseen and resorted to a new policy - search all suspects. Where this might have been bad news for the Unseen, they saw this as an opportunity.

The Assassin, personally chosen by the Mastermind, was involved in perhaps what would become the news of the century. With the decrease of the King’s guards, the Assassin and some of his agents were able to overpower the defenses of the castle. The Assassin then disguised as one of the King’s guards, and stood outside the King’s chambers. He entered the room, and saw the King reading a book while on his bed. The King’s head turned, and there was the last face that he would ever see.

The King had become a figurehead of Adiart and a symbol of pride, and with the news of the King’s assassination, the people started to panic. The Unseen were almost ready to seize the throne, but one man had stood in their way. The King’s son, the Prince, had become very popular after leading the Knights of Adiart into impossible adventures. He had the strength and the support to become the new King, which had become a problem. Not only that, but the Prince, clever and cunning, had discovered the hideout of the Unseen while disgusing as a rebel. The Prince took his Knights to take out the Unseen there, but the Mastermind was tipped off and the Unseen fled the area. But the damage was done, the Prince knew exactly who the traitors were and he knew all their plans, including the plan of his planned assassination. The Unseen have had many setbacks in the past, but this was perhaps the most dangerous to their goals. If the Prince could reorganize the Kingdom and lead them on the closing in of the traitors, it would be over for the Unseen. But the Unseen had one advantage: the Prince, being the only one who could lead the Blue Dragon, needed to stay alive. If the Prince were to die, Adiart would be lost forever.

How To Play

  1. Roles will be distributed. There are only two factions, the Blue Dragon and the Unseen. The Blue Dragon do not know each other, whereas the Unseen do (there are exceptions). The Prince will know every member of the Unseen (there are exceptions).

  2. There are a total of 5 missions per game. In order for the Blue Dragon to win, they must succeed 3 of them. In order for the Unseen to win, they must fail 3 of them or assassinate the Prince.

  3. I will randomly select a player to start as the Mission Leader. The Mission Leader can propose who they want to put on a mission – which is followed by a vote on whether the group approves or rejects the mission or not. They may choose themselves, but they are not required to. All votes will be revealed by the host after voting.

  4. If the majority rejects the quest, then the person who is right below on the sign-up list will become the next Mission Leader. Be careful not to reject too many mission proposals; each rejected mission will increase the doomsday counter by 1 (it starts at zero). If the doomsday counter reaches 5, the Unseen automatically win. The counter is reset to zero upon a mission approval.

  5. Players are allowed to pass their Mission Leader status on to the next person, but doing so will increase the numbered of rejected proposals counter by 1. You may not pass on the 5th mission proposal.

  6. If the majority approves of a given proposal, then the mission will go through. All players will either succeed or fail the mission (this will be done in class cards). If everyone votes for a success, the mission will succeed. If at least one person votes for a fail, the mission will fail. The moderator will not tell the group will not know who failed the mission, but they will be told how many people voted to fail the mission.

  7. If three missions have succeeded, the Unseen have one final chance to defeat the Blue Dragon. At this time, the Assassin will be revealed by the host and the Unseen may discuss on who they believe the Prince is. The Assassin may choose to assassinate one person that they believe is the Prince. If they guess right, the Unseen will win. If they guess wrong, the Blue Dragon wins.


  1. There is no killing or lynching in this game, except for the Assassin’s kill during the assassination phase.

  2. You have 24 hours to do an official action. This includes mission proposals, voting for approval of a mission proposal, and participation of a mission. If you fail to meet this time limit, you will be replaced and will propose a random mission, vote for a rejection of a mission proposal, or succeed a quest, depending on which phase it is. If you cannot meet a deadline, please let a host know beforehand.

  3. Assassination phase will take up to 48 hours. The Assassin has the final say on who they wish to assassinate. During this phase, members of the Blue Dragon are not allowed to speak.

  4. You may change your vote on a mission proposal or as a mission participant during a mission. However, once the final action required to proceed has been submitted, all votes/actions are locked.

  5. ALL actions must be done through your class card in private. This includes choices of mission proposals, votes on mission proposals, whether to succeed or fail a mission, and assassination.

  6. The Unseen will not have their own private chat

  7. If a member of the Unseen wishes to start the assassination phase prior to the success of 3 missions, let me know in your class card. All members of the Unseen will be asked this in private. If they all agree unanimously to do so, then assassination phase will commence. A reminder that after a person is assassinated, the game will end, so don’t do this unless the Unseen cannot win by failing 3 missions.

  8. Members of the Blue Dragon must succeed missions. Members of the Unseen can choose to succeed or fail quests.

  9. The starting Sheriff will be the person on top of the original Mission Leader for the first mission. After the second mission goes through, the Sheriff may choose someone to investigate. They will learn their alignment and their target will become the new Sheriff. This is repeated for the third and fourth quests

  10. If there are any questions, don’t be afraid to DM me in the class card!

The Sheriff

This is not a role per say, this is like a special ability. The person who is on top of the original Mission Leader for the first mission will be the starting Sheriff. After the second mission goes through, the Sheriff may choose someone to investigate. They will learn of their target’s alignment and their target will become the new Sheriff. This is repeated for the third and fourth mission.


Mission 1 (3 Participants)
Mission 2 (4 Participants)
Mission 3 (4 Participants)
Mission 4 (5 Participants) Requires 2 participants to fail this quest in order for it to fail
Mission 5 (5 Participants)


  1. Follow the Global Forum Rules (https://toli.es/rules for in-game rules)
  2. If you haven’t posted content (this includes private actions as well) in 24 hours, you will be replaced.
  3. No private messaging others in the game about the game. The Unseen will not have their own private chat.
  4. Do not quote private host messages.
  5. Don’t throw the game. This includes any form of intent to make you or your faction lose.
  6. Refrain from posting so many times in a row.
  7. Players are not allowed to use large fonts. These are reserved for the host.
  8. Lets all have fun and play together!
  9. Do not edit or delete made posts.

To Join

To join, simply express interest in joining by saying something like “I want to join” or “/join” or “/in” or “sign me up, coach” or whatever you want


Blue Dragon

The Prince

Blue Dragon
Special Ability: Will be told the identity of every member of the Unseen (except for the Mastermind).
Your objective is to see three quests succeed and survive until the end of the game.

The Butler

Blue Dragon
Special Ability: Knows the identity of both the Prince and the Pretender. However, the Butler does not know who is who.
Your objective is to see three quests succeed and see the Prince survive until the end of the game

The Knight

Blue Dragon
Special Ability: None.
Your objective is to see three quests succeed and see the Prince survive until the end of the game


The Mastermind

Special Ability: The Prince does not know that you are evil. In addition, you will know who other members of the Unseen (except the Sellsword) are, but you will not know their roles.
Your objective is to see three quests failed or see the Prince die.

The Assassin

Special Ability: At the end of the game, assassinate one person that you think is the Prince. If you are correct, you will win the game. In addition, you will know who other members of the Unseen (except the Sellsword) are, but you will not know their roles.
Your objective is to see three quests failed or see the Prince die.

The Pretender

Special Ability: You will appear to the Butler as one of the two possible Princes. In addition, you will know who other members of the Unseen (except the Sellsword) are, but you will not know their roles.
Your objective is to see three quests failed or see the Prince die.

The Sellsword

Special Ability: You do not know who the other members of the Unseen are, and they do not know who you are.
Your objective is to see three quests failed or see the Prince die.

The Minion

Special Ability: You will know who other members of the Unseen (except the Sellsword) are, but you will not know their roles.
Your objective is to see three quests failed or see the Prince die.




  1. Simon
  2. Magnus
  3. Isaac_Gonzalez
  4. KyoDaz
  5. Andrej Marshal
  6. Shurian
  7. katze
  8. Soulshade55r
  9. Kai_5
  10. WazzaAzza


  1. Firekitten
  2. Marshal
  3. JaketheWolfie


  1. Jgoesgaming

Key Events

Mission 1.1 Proposal (By Simon)
Mission 1.1 Proposal Votes
Mission 1.1 Results

Mission 2.1 Proposal
Mission 2.1 Proposal Votes
Mission 2.2 Proposal
Mission 2.2 Proposal Votes
Mission 2.3 Proposal
Mission 2.3 Proposal Votes
Mission 2.4 Proposal


There is one mechanic I forgot to add.

How does this happen

so mindnight?

1 Like

Technically, vanilla Spies/Evils exist in Resistance, but it’s not being used in this game.

Pfft, MINDNIGHT is inspired by Resistance.

But yeah, it’s basically MINDNIGHT.


alrighty, cool

What’s the point of making a Minion class card if it isn’t in the rolelist?

I might use it for future games if this thing gets enough support.

oh this is basically that one game uhhh mindnight yeah we’ve tried this before and it has both worked pretty nicely and flopped horribly and there’s no in between


*that mission
the unseen win that mission

so this is different then as well?

ah so it its not different.

mindnight came second

but yea /in

This is like the admin?
And /Win

/in if i can

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My bad on that. Blue Dragon cannot fail missions.

No, evils win the game if 5 consecutive proposals are rejected. This never happens though.

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Just call this Mindnight: Adiart

thats not quite right tho
mindnight is resistance
this is resistance too

1 Like

Looks interesting. Might join.
