[Misc] Resistance: Throne of Lies - CANNED

how is “why would you be useful in this mission” not supposed to give a flavor answer or a claim? what other answer is there?

…I would like a longer answer.

At least 3 lines would be appreciated :sunglasses:

“I should be selected to be on this mission because even if it fails it gives town information. I can later prove myself as town once I become mission leader. Accepting this mission also involves me and gives me reads on others who can be Unseen rather than seeing it as a 1/3.”

what information do the people on the mission have, that the people not on the mission have, that could help them determine who is and is not unseen

the only information they have that others dont is what action they submitted

We are at the start of the game. I can’t really be bothered cycling through no-nodes. It gives us information. It speeds up the game. Speeding up the game = less lines = less chance Unseen picks Prince. I already stated here

That we need to be playing really optimally here to keep Prince hidden. Even if we secure 3 nodes in a row we still have a 1/7 chance of losing.
I don’t think rejecting nodes is a good idea unless we are all in agreement someone is Unseen.
More time is in Unseen’s hands in this game since we can’t exactly vote them out.

Why does it have to be mechanical information?

literally anyone can say this.

you misunderstand me. i mean any information. theres no scumchat, so literally the only piece of information, mechanical or otherwise that every person on the mission would have that people not on the mission would have is that each person knows their own action

please ignore this. i was in the middle of making a more formal argument on that post but i came back to this post an hour later and forgot i put it there. i have decided i dont really need to make more of an argument against that post.
this was my opinion on that part of that post, so you may still read into it if you wish, it just was not fully fleshed out at the time, so keep that in mind

It doesn’t need to be information they only have.
They can give us information they think stands out. ‘I should be on the mission since x is Unseen, here is my argument’ ‘I should be on the mission since the post I made here benefits us a lot.’
Just examples but I was also curious to see what they’d reply.

@Soulshade55r @Andrej You two care to… say anything at all?

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you said that the response is “accepting this mission… gives me reads on others who can be unseen rather than seeing it as a 1/3”
my conclusion was that you believed that being on the mission gives them some basis from which to form these reads.
was that incorrect?

yes, but you forget that it is before the first mission. basically nothing has happened. there has not been any chance for anyone to do things that benefit us. there has been no chance to make proper reads. you can make reads in fm games with a d1 lynch because theres votes and whatnot that serve as fuel for people to act scummy. i literally chose myself and 2 people based on some slight logic, but honestly i would have been fine choosing the other two completely randomly, so there really has been no fuel for people to act towards progressing a scum agenda.

there was like 75-ish posts after game started that i havent read. and that i wont be reading., because i believe there is nothing that can be gained from that

I already have a townread. It’s not impossible to have proper reads without any mechanical help.
Of course there is fuel for scum to look scummy. People will be trying to fish reads for Prince out allll the time.
It’s going to be harder to contruct them but it’s definitely possible. It’s also good to have pre-analysis of reads on people and then post-analysis. You can catch people being opportunists.

Been having a nice nap

Oh look soul was sleeping and posted auto lock scum

Just would like to hear more from people. Not posting ever doesn’t really help us at all, does it?

Welcome to the world of the living.


Bottom and below read basically I did nothing but choose people bottem and below because I’m lazy

Is… that what you’re thinking for the 2nd mission?

Cause as far as I’m aware, people are still submitting actions for the first.

No those are the unseen scum

I’ll be in the first, next and all of the missons

You’ll be in the first mission? But you’re not me, Kai, or Simon? :thinking: