[Misc] Resistance: Throne of Lies - CANNED




Hi! Iā€™m relatively new so Iā€™ll do my best! (And mot go afk in the middle of nowhere, yes)

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>forum vet



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Hi! Iā€™m relatively new so Iā€™ll do my best! (as in, this is literally my first forum game ever be gentle <3)


iā€™ve played mindnight this should be easy right :slight_smile:


the main difference between this and mindnight is that i believe that mindnight doesnt have the special roles, but resistance does


There is a gamemode in mindnight with the Admin (knows all the hackers), and Nuker (has to figure out who the Admin is, if all nodes are secured) but Iā€™ve never played it.

Regardless, I donā€™t think itā€™ll be too different. The main thing thatā€™s different is probably the playercount, but I think Iā€™ll manageā€¦ and if not, sorry in advance <3

this also has the butler, sellsword, mastermind, and pretender.
its much simpler than an fm though, so that should help

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Iā€™m kind of planning to use this as a training ground for FoL, and if I feel comfortable Iā€™ll try that.

I donā€™t think the new classes are gonna differentiate enough from MN to make this too hard to figure out for me, though. Weā€™ll just see how the forum format (forumat? ha) changes things for me.

Iā€™m most concerned about terminology - I donā€™t know all of the fancy acronyms. But yā€™all seem friendly enough to answer questions as we go, and google is pretty nifty as well.

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https://wiki.mafiascum.net/index.php?title=Commonly_Used_Abbreviations is a good page with acronyms.


Is this like mindnight and am I allowed in?

/In this looks really cool



Signups are now closed. You may still join the Backups or Spectators.

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@Kirefitten will join the backups.



I was FORCED and BLACKMAILED against my will but I guess Iā€™m a backup


The game will begin on 2019-09-20T00:00:00Z. Also, if someone would like to cohost that would be great! I might be getting busy over the next couple of days.

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