[Misc] Resistance: Throne of Lies - CANNED

I’ve been a bit lenient on meeting deadlines so far but I think I’ve given enough time. Gonna count up the votes now.


The mission proposal was rejected.

Proposal: @Simon, @Ami, @katze, @Magnus

Accept Magnus, Kai_5 2/10
Reject Isaac_Gonzalez, Simon, WazzaAzza, KyoDaz, katze, Soulshade55r, Shurian**, andrej** 8/10

** Did not vote and automatically rejected the proposal. I’ll be nice and forgive you for just this time; please don’t let this happen again.
@Andrej @Shurian

Proposals Rejected: 1/5

The mission leader is Isaac_Gonzalez. Please propose a mission.

@Ami, why did you accept the mission?


State your reasonings for accepting this mission.

stop stealing my message:(

magnus accepted b/c he was mission suggester, obvo

your asking it to ask it. are you really going to do that every time a mission is proposed?

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Yup! I am, of course I am!

damn both y’all stole my message LOL

Surprised Shurian didn’t acc/ref, though. He hasn’t been inactive

ask it when its important.
otherwise its giving scum time to prepare an answer, and at that point you might as well just ask why people rejected

gives us info if n1 was a bluff or not and if it wasn’t it puts us 1 way from winning

don’t like the reject from soul tho

I coulda sworn I rejected the mission in my class card LEL
Looks like I never sent the message. Rip.

I’ll message people in their class cards who havent voted from now on. Dont worry about it.

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Why would Soul accept specifically?


By the way, I’ve always wondered this.

Do the Unseen have a private chat? I assume not, like in Mindnight.

of course not.
its resistance. it was designed to be able to be played irl in real time

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2 ppl cant exactly step away from the table without being immediately suspected

It just feels out of place, if he gets invested unseen I think we can lock us 4 as blue dragon

Can you… explain?

Why would Soul accept that? He wasn’t in it. It wasn’t a good prop.

Very confused.