[Misc] Resistance: Throne of Lies - CANNED

Impossible. Only Unseen can talk during the assassination phase which means the Sellsword can reveal themselves without town deceit.

Big H

Given each player has a 40% chance of being unseen, mathematically you are probably correct.

In fact, you could pick any four names and have a 97.5% of having one unseen in that list.

Actually, I did my math wrong. Just woke up.

87% chance that if you pick 4 names at least one is unseen.

That 2.5% is if all four are unseen.

So basically, if youā€™re entirely wrong Iā€™d be incredibly impressed.

I really want to see him correct and it makes me depressed that he isnā€™t.

@Isaac_Gonzalez Iā€™m not the MM, Iā€™m the Prince.

If I had to guess all four unseen at least one person in his list would also be in mine, though.

The other three? Not too sure.

Does it count as outting reads if itā€™s between three people?

Unfortunately, it doesnā€™t look like he hit the 4/4.

The odds of getting 2 unseen in any 4 random players is 35% though, soā€¦ :eyes:

Wazza said BD has lost if we didnā€™t have 500 posts by 7 hours.

Fast forward 19 hours
486 posts


Weā€™ve lost bro.

i mean what is there to discuss isnā€™t it only node 2 or something


l o s t


Isaac, you need to propose a mission.

I canā€™t believe that we lost the game so fast!

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i canā€™t tell if napoleon is even here

if ur prnice tell me who is unseen so i donā€™t propose them


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hi is it my turn to propose a missinon


Okay weā€™re screwed.

no your screwed mi unseen

im sellsword