[Misc] Resistance: Throne of Lies - CANNED

you play toxicity simulator?

ā€¦It was a month ago :sunglasses:

Had to, meta is vicious.

This is why I cheat in Mindnight as hacker.

Fair enough I suppose
The amount of lurking is good as our prince wonā€™t be outed this way

Iā€™m Prince :sunglasses:

Shurian, WazzaAzza, Andrej and Magnus are all Cult.

I totally didnā€™t just scroll up and pick random names or anything.

Or the fact that weā€™re fighting the Unseen and not Cult


Great strategy.

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Oopsies, my bad.


Loloo doesnā€™t know Mindnight Protocol, clearly.

Is this just the accept list for the first mission?

Everyone apart from me.

And I added Isaac to it if you read the post below it.

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So do you find blindly accepting the first mission more suspicious than rejecting it?

Just curious on your philosophy here.

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Yes, I do actually.

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Interesting. Does that also apply to the three people involved in the mission?

Itā€™s really just opinion on whether or not accepting the first mission is suspicious or not.
I believe itā€™s more optimal to accept it right away and not allow Unseen more Prince reads but other people might think the contrary and I understand that.

Really itā€™s just a case of whether or not you fear losing to a Prince assassination or losing to three nodes.
Iā€™m not going to tolerate winning and then just being informed weā€™ve lost. That would be one of the most BS things I have ever seen.
Iā€™m focusing on Prince deception.

Thatā€™s why Iā€™ve hardclaimed Prince.
The Unseen may believe itā€™d be embaressing to lose against someone who hardclaimed Prince (Much like the game where someone hardclaimed Shaman) and go after me with the assassinā€™s blade.
On the other hand I could be completely bluffing. Butler knows if Iā€™m bluffing or not.

Anyone else want to help me in hiding Prince?


I have this really big feeling you are actually Prince for some reason.
I know I shouldnā€™t say this but I dislike it. I wonā€™t check you tonight just in case.

By the way, going to deny M1+1 just so we get more time.


Who should I check after M2?