[Misc] Resistance: Throne of Lies - CANNED

I’d love to know how you’ve done this.

Because I am the assassin Kidding.

It only just occured to me that the post you made a while ago about me most likely being Prince would never come from an assassin.

It’s a post that tries to influence scum thoughts but it’s not a post an assassin would make. Why would they out Prince reads? It’s either trying to bluff/double bluff scum or inform partners that you think I’m Prince whilst also telling scum you aren’t Assassin.

Of course I was thinking of specific scum roles since I’m trying to hunt the Mastermind as Prince.

and please be quick I’m tired

tbh as Prince I’d just investigate one of my Unseen targets I’m given and then be like:
“lol your Unseen”

This setup is Mindnight mixed with J.F.K assassination.
I fear most people try to play it 100% mindnight.
Please start making posts like Wazza has or else scum will have a very easy time during assassination phase.

By the way, what the hell is this? How can it spawn?

Napoleon said it was if the setup was to be reused.


Ah, explains a lot then.

@KyoDaz uuuu r mm

Not really.

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im prince

kyo is mastermind
isaac is assassinmind
kai is cult leader
soul is invoker

Get nae nae’d

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Okay anyway, goodnight for real.

No wazza no its like 5am for u or something come back

you fool

i am ritualist

It is literally 1am and I have school.

I have to sleep.

Oh wait yea u british not aissie my bad

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nice timezones

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Who’s the next mission proposer…



Also if we haven’t hit 500 posts by when I wake up, BD have lost.