[Misc] Resistance: Throne of Lies - CANNED

Wait it does?
So it instantly outs scum?

You see the amount of fails.

If this mission had 4 fails, the entire mission is the scumteam

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if it has 2, there are at least 2 scum in the mission

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It doesn’t out the people but it announces how many people reject.
Which means we have lots of scum in a thunderdome.
We are winning. Why would we not take risks like this?
Having even 2 scum confirmed in a 4 man pool is amazing for us earlygame.

You realise this depends on being lucky?

Doesn’t everything?

Taking risks is bad.
Also there are four scum? I thought there was MM + Assassin + Sellsword

Please stop intentionally dumbtelling.
Taking risks right now is optimal because we are winning and it’s early game.
This gives us massive amounts of information.

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Does it though?
I’m pretty sure winning is the goal, not knowledge

I’m stubborn.

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With knowledge comes power.
But using it wisely is the key.

Basically without power we lose. Find scum before it’s last node.

Or just find town lol.

information is the most valuable currency

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Oorrr we don’t give reason to why people are town as that gives Princereads. I’d rather reason for being scum.
There is less of them as well.

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yes, so if there are 2 or more scum on a mission, that can be good for us

well, better than there being 1. not better than there being no scum

I want to check Magnus to prove if my theory is correct or not but then at the same time I don’t want to check Magnus because I know he’s probably scum.

Feelings: Hurt
Magnus: Town
Hotel: Trivago

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Bankrupt: Thomas Cook
Stuck Abroad: The UK

My dads name is Thomas and my mothers maiden name was cook.


no u

We’ll see at the end of the game who’s right. But I’m quite confident you’re scum, and your defense is “I’m claiming Prince, I can’t be scum!”.

I’m sure there’s at least one scum in this. After all, a wolf proposed it.


I trust Magnus fully now.

If this proposal fails (I imagine it will) Marshal will be the next proposal. Not sure how I feel about that, Andrej gave us literally zero info to work with when he was around. But I’m willing to hear him out.

Just a reminder this is proposal 3/5. So Hammer would be on Shurian.