[Misc] Resistance: Throne of Lies - CANNED

UK Crew :slight_smile:

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Gamer Moment.

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Ahhhh I get haunted

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fuckit iā€™ll co host @Napoleon

:japanese_goblin: Youā€™re no longer safe here, Priestess :wink:

image Time isnā€™t too bad :stuck_out_tongue:

Thank you MaximusPrime. Max will be my co-host. I will start distributing roles now.

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Start early!

yeet glhf

@napoleon just to be clear, this is the person above the player in the playerlist that had the 1st node team successfully proposed, and then the person they invest after the second node will become the new sheriff and can invest after the next node passes?

is this like a turbo or something

nah its 24 hrs per phase

Iā€™ll see all of you beautiful people in 8 hours. <3

The first Sheriff is the person above the original Mission Leader for Mission 1 (for the first proposal). It doesnā€™t matter if their quest is accepted or rejected. After the second quest, the Sheriff can choose someone to investigate; their target becomes the new Sheriff who will investigate in the third round and so on.

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so itā€™d be wazza?

nvm, didnā€™t see this

The original Mission Leader who makes the first proposal is randomized. The starting Sheriff is the person above them. For instance, if katze (7) is the starting mission leader, then Shurian (6) will be the Sheriff. Any rejected proposals go down the list, making Soul (8), Kai (9), Wazza (10), and Simon (1) the next in line to propose something for the first mission.

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ā€¦but regardless, as we go down the list, shurian remains the first sheriff

That is correct.


The game will now begin. All rolecards have been distributed.

The first Mission Leader to propose is Simon. The starting Sheriff is WazzaAzza. Simon has up to 24 hours to propose a quest. Finalized decisions to propose are done in your class card.


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Here comes an OwO

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