[Misc] Resistance: Throne of Lies - CANNED

Oh god
So powderful

Scare Issac pls

All hail the Pretender Prince!



Since game doesnā€™t progress until Simon comes on and chooses people to do
Iā€™ll be off for a while. Ping me when needed.

is Magnus actually god

He is a little god.

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Does anyone else feel disappointed we canā€™t execute people?
I mean I know like disregarding the Unseen completely is a good idea but executing them? I agree.

do any of you use white theme

So should I expect to have delayed communications with the leader and sheriff?

Thatā€™s a bit disappointing. Can I just take the crownā€¦

I am the leader now.

Jesus christ god no. Please no.

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donā€™t spread heresy you heretic

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i am leader cuz im cool

Okay so, playing to the most optimal point in this game is essentially a 1/7 chance. 1/6 if Sellsword is allowed to out after the game has ended and Assassin is choosing their kill.
We need to play optimally here. Even if we play to our best ability we could still lose, meaning one mistake is the end of us. Do not give out reads. Itā€™s either Unseen or no read at all. Not even town reads.
All of us agree?

i read myself as town tho

I am the prince, protect me at all costs

Fair enough. Canā€™t really argue with that.

I cc Prince

i played midnight like twice so im 69% better than all of you here

i cc mm

Thereā€™s a reason I wasnā€™t planning on posting my reads.

I am noob, but it seems illogical to give the scum more info.

With that said, d1 prince here tp/lo on me