[Misc] Shortnight 3: Chloe's Revenge (3/9) - SCUMCIETY WIN

Hm…Well that’s actually really good info because atm I’m suspecting Amelia is SW bussing their Demon


Anyway, Legion is most likely not in play

you already know my 3 for 3

Well Legion isn’t in play based on your info

>legion registers as minion

Which I know to be accurate
You guys can fumble around for a lil bit :wink:

Knowing GGhana he would’ve been like “lol one of these two are the undeclared hydra”

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I mean, unless you’re Drunk

And Aelin is the Baron.

No outsiders unless we got suuuuper unlucky

this an outsider claim?

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aelin i literally included Butler in my 3 for 3 what are you on about

Baron can always exist somewhere

I don’t know the fucking outsiders man leave me alone cries


I want the second Outsider to claim.
And if nobody claims… We got ourselves a drunk.

Plus telling you that another player is a non-Baron Minion is a very ST thing to do

hello yes I am the Butler

I’ve known there’s a Baron since game start.
Because I am an outsider.

I have also claimed my outsider role to Wazza and to Pigeon.
Wazza, do confirm I have claimed an outsider. Not which outsider please.

he’s saint isn’t he

I don’t remember what you claimed lol