[Misc] Shortnight 3: Chloe's Revenge (3/9) - SCUMCIETY WIN

gghana say that to u?
ok then

I didnā€™t even know this was a thing
Also I thought Iā€™m in seat 13 not the top 4 seats

pretty sure anyway.

doā€¦do you not read?

you should know what a top 4 role is by now


Top 4 = The Top 4 roles at the top of the rolelist (Chef has been moved away from the Top 4 for whatever reason but itā€™s still a Top 4 role)

Youā€™re one of those. Thereā€™s literally no harm in killing you, only gains.

I donā€™t
This is the first time hearing the term

Granted, youā€™re not my choice of kill, I would just prefer you be in my PoE to do so.

You get me now?

top 4 roles are roles that say ā€œYou start knowingā€
theyā€™re called top 4 because they are the top 4 roles on the role list in TB

If you donā€™t plan on shooting me anyways thereā€™s no reason for me to vote

I said I want you in my PoE. Youā€™re definitely a player I am fine with killing if needs be.

looks at aeflin potentially being evil

I feel like youā€™re Demon simply scared of me shooting you.

sorry :frowning:

No I just died round 1 last BoTC and Iā€™m not letting it happen again

there are two possibilities here

  1. you are correct (wayy more likely)
  2. marl is just dumb (less likely)

Marl, why are you so afraid of dying as a role that is designed to be fine with dying?

People die when they are killed

Aelinā€™s the same and thatā€™s part of the reason theyā€™re fine with it.

What makes you so special.