[Misc] Shortnight 3: Chloe's Revenge (3/9) - SCUMCIETY WIN

Okay I could see Aelin eli worlds
Maybe Aelin pkr worlds
I’m worried Wazza is covering for evil pkr though

Wouldn’t killing Eli just be better

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Also this might be wrong but ST meta go brrr

Evil Gunslinger in a 7p is bad and GGhana wouldn’t do it

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Cloned/Aelin would have your information be wrong.

I’m honestly worried that it is PKR but he has the triple vote anyway and Eli has a high chance of being evil anyway.

What if you’re drunk though

I say this as the person who defied their own ST meta yesterday and included a Butler

Oh wait I haven’t been counting outsiders and all

How many do we have claimed so far

Then aelin is evil because she said there’s a Scarlet Woman in play, and Baron needs to be in play for me to be a Drunk

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So Aelin is evil in both worlds, got it

So aelins partner has to be eli or pkr
So it’s a 50% chance of winning or 100% if Wazza is good

But…then your info would be correct?

That’s if we truly think Aelin is evil though.

We have a Drunk somewhere. It has to be someone.

What if it’s you and it is Aelin and Cloned

yes that can happen as the Drunk

I mean… I also kinda don’t think its baron world so weh

Could be but chefs usually aren’t allowed to drink on the job

So you think it’s just Eli like I do.

Did I ever say I didn’t think this :eyes:



serious defense:
my brain no work today