[Misc] Shortnight 3: Chloe's Revenge (3/9) - SCUMCIETY WIN

I’m sure you know the reason though, Pigeon.

Also agh.

If Amelia isn’t Demon, then why were they killed?
Was it to stop Cloned from being exposed or was it something else?

Also, you guys don’t realise how much this sucks for me.

If we don’t kill the Demon today then the pressure is on me to kill the Demon.

I do very much appreciate you and Wazza redacting myself~

this is exactly while I called to exile Pigeon


ding dong

bing bong

noms closed.

/exe Eli @GGhana @Leafia @Intensify

No point in wasting time.

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/pardon Marl not pinging this time

I’m not pardoning Cloned until his vote is lock Exe on Eli. (Marl, Pigeon, PKR and Gorta gotta vote)

I don’t really.

/whisper Wazza


/exe Eli
/Exe Cloned
/Pardon Marluxion

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it’s in the initial post

/exe Eli
/exe Cloned
/pardon Marl
@Intensify @GGhana @Leafia

You only have one dead vote.

Pick one player to vote on.

My last words:
/execute Eli
/pardon Marl

Real last words:
PKR, YOU have the triple vote. Use it wisely

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/travel away

Travellers who travel away lose their ghost vote.

Also if the bureaucrat travels away, the player with triple votes loses it.