[Misc] Shortnight 3: Chloe's Revenge (3/9) - SCUMCIETY WIN

I can’t tell if I’m supposed to be offended or praised by this

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is anybody else’s discord down all of a sudden


it’s literally just discord

No but my forums was

i’m restarting discord to find out

in case this wasn’t obvious i’m chef

and this is my slank cover
i’m gonna be super busy for the next 2 days so F
i’ll peep thread when i can

There are no adjacent evils in this game

/whisper Marluxion

Talk to me!

no scumchat POG

gonna restart my computer, see if that gets discord to work

it worked poggers

absolutely not

i’ll be back and more active on day 2 but until then sayonara

also dont whisper anyone since we know evils can only talk to each other via public whispers

as of this point a public whisper is a scumclaim

I heavily disagree with this logic and to spite you I will now accept any public whispers from here on out :^)

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why tf not.

I need to whisper everyone, trust me.
/whisper Marluxion again.

If it’s with you then if I whisper you are you scum? :thinking:

/Whisper Amelia

just got a blatantly OP weapon
feeling good