[Misc] Shortnight 3: Chloe's Revenge (3/9) - SCUMCIETY WIN


@Amelia has been permanently suspended for being the Mastermind

This expires when this forum realizes dangans are bad lol
Do not attempt to appeal for this user.

@an_gorta_pratai has been permanently suspended for [INSERT REASON LATER]

This expires when I find something funny to write here.
Do not attempt to appeal for this user.


The Hells Librarian is no longer in play.

You may now discuss.


Slanking, or treeing if you want to be more jokish

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I sure wonder if the team is exactly what I said it was
@Amelia whats your info

me and the boys at 2am playin clocktower on the discord :tm:

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if you’re seeing this and are in the discord :tm: you should join

I fucking died I don’t have info

Awww I was hoping you were faking Raven

Gorta has a demon ping on himself and has claimed an impossible role
Thank you, that is all

he’s also dead

@Wazza Who did you shoot?

probably amelia
idk why demon would kill gorta but

wait he starpassed didnt he :^)

or was killed to look like a starpass

I sure wonder if our other impossible claim who happened to be my other potential minion is either our minion or the new Chloe

I have a feeling Amelia starpassed. We need Wazza here though.

Let’s look!
Potential minions! Amelia and Eli
Potential Demons! Me and Gorta!
I’m dead
Gorta’s dead! One of us was the demon, right? Except Gorta claimed recluse! A role that could not be in the game with me! And I was a demon ping, not a minion ping. If I had actually been demon and there was a baron (which would be necessary for two outsiders in the game) the game would be over. Ergo, gorta is locked to have been lying, which invalidates his outsider claim. This, in turn, invalidates Eli’s outsider claim, and also lines up with my investigator info to culminate in the team being Gorta - Chloe, and Eli - Scarlet Woman turned Chloe.

how so

oh wait
your info
i thought you meant your role was jinxed