[Misc] Shortnight 3: Chloe's Revenge (3/9) - SCUMCIETY WIN

I’m the demon and I’m going to vote you. Be prepared to be smited by me and my traveller team

/Execute Eli
/Pardon Marl

Uncertain on Cloned rn.
@Wazza thoughts?

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I’m awaiting cloned to actually execute Eli, otherwise I’m executing him myself.

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execute Eli

yes Eli

execute yourself


there is no upside here
you can’t win with your shot on me because i’ll be dead
and i’m not the demon so game will end

that means i cannot execute myself

k nvm
i can
but i see no point

I can execute Cloned if I want.

I want you to exe yourself so I have the option to shoot you, please and ty.

be dead

if you actually get completely executed.

you guys seem dead set on me being execution
why wouldn’t i be completely executed

because we can also execute cloned?

that’s why i said you are dead set on cloned being executed

i mean
good jobm e

@Intensify vote count or lloser

I pick looser

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Imo don’t execute two people. You are the deciding factor here because of me

Also I’m busy today for the most part so Leafia or GGhana will likely have to do the votecount

I think that’s fair, but I am still planning to wait for Wazza.
We’re hoping to resolve this the best way possible

I’ve been here the entire time :^)

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No no you gotta wait longer