[Misc] Shortnight 3: Chloe's Revenge (3/9) - SCUMCIETY WIN

i accept

i kinda wanna nominate cloned

someone tell me why i shouldn’t before i do

he’s the fortune teller
what case do you have against him

he somehow has less posts than i do and i was gone for 2 days

screw it
:crossed_swords: I call for the exile of thepigeonnyc!


ok trhat’s fair
@clonedcheese you are at L-1 with a redcheck on you
defend yourself scum

i think you are socially evil

:crossed_swords: I vote for the exile of thepigeonnyc

Who do you have the ping on?

what’d pigeon do to deserve exile

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Eli wants Pigeon exiled! My guess is because hew has a no pigeon policy or something. Your accusation Eli?

pigeon is socially evil
that’s my case
i will provide posts soon-ish

Kinda sus ngl

who with me

I should actually leave the game anyway for personal reasons

I’ll do it tomorrow though

a self imposed exile

Your defense Pigeon?