[Misc] Survivor:Adiart [Final Tribal Council]

i know, i just wanted to give my game retrospective and also argue the case for who has convinced me should win.

wazza, you can go ahead and try to convince me.

wazza, when were you in control of the game? When did you call the shots and make the BiG MoVeZ to propell yourself in the game?

it was one of the easier ones, especially with datā€™s clues

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Never. Controlling the game is not what you want to do, controlling if your safe or not, is what you should do.

During the last few trials. I had to work forward, and thatā€™s what I did, propelling me to the final.

You probably got told how to get the idol reee.

I dont understand that basic code key thing so I didnt even try.

Squid told me they were really close which influenced getting rid of them, id hoped theyd take the idol with them.

I mean ur sole vote sent Isaac home so u controlled the vote then.


I too thought they were really close, turns out they were.

I controlled the vote. Not the game. Sure it made a really big decision, but thatā€™s not controlling the entire game, thatā€™s just controlling the future of the game.

Oof Iā€™m sorry no one did it so I made it easier

a couple sure, but the very first idol i figured out to the last step. i just didnt connect it to the album

@Hippolytus @Wazza Which one of yā€™all stab me in the back and why? >:(

Hippo stabbed you in the back because he felt like you would win.

All of itā€™s explained in my post

Controlling who to take to final 3 is p big but yeah sure.

For the record the reason I voted squid out first was cuz I knew I wanted to sit with Waz and Isaac at the end based on the f10 questions challenge answers and I knew I could convince Isaac to yeet Tele at f4 but couldnt convince waz to yeet Squid at f4.

Squid is also very respected and is a mod and shit and im p sure theyd win in a f3 of me waz squid.

Sadly Tele is a challenge beast and won immunity and then waz found the idol so my plan was fucked.

I did, sorry, read my above post. I didnt do it for fun or for the memes, I just wasnt in the mood for coming second to you.

Bruh, Iā€™m the queen of second bananas. Iā€™m always second

You know, Iā€™m not meaning to make this worse Hippo but I think you wouldā€™ve won out of me, you and Squid.

Meh maybe. I counted votes and i reckon eevee pkr and tele would have voted u (assuming i vote tele f5), plus possibly Simon. I think ud have won.

Damnit this is like s34.

For people who aren't living under a rock

Hippo is queen Sarah who controlled this game.

wazza is troyzan, being too nice in the f3, and tele is brad.

brad :unamused:

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It would have been v close but i rlly didnt wanna vote out isaac and if tele went f5 isaac would have to go f4 cuz ud both vote him.