[Misc] Survivor:Adiart [Final Tribal Council]

Like idk how to help ya, like I pinged ya, the results were announced so like the vote should be the next logical step. Like maybe i should have sent out more pings trying to get more votes in, but like I was already getting pinged for not getting the results out last night, due to being at the movies. Its one warning, your not evicted.

I really wasnā€™t pinged for this.

I can send screenshots off my forums, but this didnā€™t ping me at all.

But you also spoke in thread after it

I did?

oh I didnā€™t even check what that post was.
Like I said itā€™s my fault for being an idiot, but still

like its no worries its ur first slap on the wrist, two more and then you suddenly lose your legs, but your fine. Just be a tiny bit more careful with pings, like idk. Happy third birthday :man_shrugging:

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Tribal begins. You can talk in here. Jeff Probstā€™s cameraman has the worlds largest headache after not eating for 12 hours. So hes gonna go into a coma for a bit. You have 24 hours to vote you know the deal 2019-10-09T00:05:00Z

@SirDerpsAlot ?
@Isaac_Gonzalez ?

Also hello jury you can speak in here still. Think thatā€™s like Marshal and Simon

Or not I dont remember. Trust on what Kai said in the past about this stuff

Reminder to suck my toes nerds

jury no speak other than emojis that arent later

I apologize
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Welcome to tribal Neutrals. We will now bring in the members of our jury, Marshalā€¦ and Simonā€¦ voted out last tribal council.

I got one question for all of you, what does it take to win Survivor?

eating food every 12 hours. I feel terrible


You should eat aaa

eat you dummi

care to elaborate?

Like being good at the challenges and knowing who to trust

Also, @eevee


Open this after tribal

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I just did, doesnt help with the severe headache thatā€™s going on. Feels like drums in my head