[Misc] Survivor:Adiart [Final Tribal Council]

I hope you feel better soon then ^^

It takes a lot

But I think my legs are broken

Cute, Eevee got a love letter

Umā€¦ Eeveeā€™s sick. How is that going to play in this tribal council?

oh boy oh boy its time to read the votes

let me count them then ill read em

Alright, I have 4 votes in, ill be generous and give an extension to 7 AM CST. get them in


I think 7am CST is now. But Iā€™m still traveling to the office. Once Iā€™m there I will announce the results if Kai hasnt

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Ok calculating results now

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Tribal Council Results

Eevee due to IRL problems that he let us know in advance was unable to vote. He will get a self vote, but no strike

Sir Derps just didnt hand in a vote. So a self vote plus strike again for him @Ami I think its med evac time for him

Now before I get to the real votes does anyone want to play an idol?


guess not

Dat reaches his hand into the urn where you all put your votes in.

The first vote PKR

Second vote PKR

Third vote Jgoes

Thats two votes PKR, one vote Jgoes, one vote Eevee, one vote sirderps

Fourth vote PKR

5th vote PKR

6th and 7th vote and 9th person voted out @PokemonKidRyan bring me your torch

