[Misc] Survivor:Adiart [Final Tribal Council]

If you got it, why didn’t you submit that score then?

I submited the screen with really clear High score noted both on top of screen as well as on top 3 attempts.

I was not told it would not count either.

@eevee I know an easy solution to this. What phone do you have?

LG K10, why?

Wait, no, I switched.

Galaxy A7, 2018 version.

Go to the app store and go to the “Download Date” of the Hex app and screenshot that.

I plaied on the pc


Like im sorry, I was doing the score that was submitted, not the highscores.

I wasnt aware of the other scores

Tribal has Begun you have 24 hours to cast a vote. But due to speed increase in gameplay you will also be playing your next Challenge at the same time and that will also be due in 24 hours. If the person with the highest score is voted out they take the immunity away for next Tribal. Have fun


The next challenge will be:


Highest wpm or Words per minute under practice mode with pic that shows current date. I would reccomend a keyboard if u can. If not I apologize, but its one of the last few challenges I have saved


Also speak in here not the other thread preferably

Welcome back Simon

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its neato to be back

Apologies, gonna start calculating soon

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Gonna delay it, theres to many non votes. Imma give it to midnight 2019-11-01T03:59:00Z

Pings will go out. Please do both the challenge and the vote. And aa a reminder please read all the posts I posted about the last challenge.

Oh shoot I didn’t realise we had to vote already

calculating idc if theres still missing votes

There wasnt yay.

First vote Jgoes