[Misc] Survivor:Adiart [Final Tribal Council]

Now Eevee, open that bottle and read what’s in side

Eevee opens the bottle and reads

“get fucked your going to tribal again”

Now PKR, take a seat in the jury area.


Eevee is still immune

So basically y’all all need to vote, AGAIN


Get dunked on y’all.

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give it up for strike out number 3! Derps has struck out. He won’t serve on jury.

head on back to camp, you’ll get a challenge tommorow

Tribal time. 24 hours get to voting. U know the deal get to it


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Whos immune

Jgoes is he won immunity

will calculate in like 2 hours my pc is about to die

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calculating now

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Ok so we got three non voters

So three strikes and three self votes for Hippo, Eevee, and Isaac

I think this is like all three of them’s third offense, @Ami is it breaking legs time?

So current VC is 1 vote Eevee, 1 vote Hippo, 1 vote Isaac

Fourth vote and actual first real vote is for Isaac

2 for Isaac

1 for Hippo

1 for Eevee

Fifth vote is for Eevee

2 for Isaac

2 for Eevee

1 for Hippo

Sixth vote is for Eevee

3 for Eevee

2 for Isaac

1 for Hippo

7th Vote and 11th person voted out is @eevee

4 for Eevee

2 for Isaac

1 for Hippo

Snuff torch, sends to Ponderosa, ya know the deal. Kai should start the next challenge soon.tm with or without the people who have missed challenges/votes freqeuntly. We will see

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First of all, you took wrong score in challange.

I had over 9000, not 6000.


I’m requesting retrial since you fucked up.

We don’t take high scores as you could have theoretically got it earlier. If you submitted the top score then we would have taken it

Okay, that is bullshit.