[Misc] Survivor:Adiart [Final Tribal Council]

Us 3 controlled the majority of votes by being in the middle, and isaac was in the middle OF the middle as he was closer to both me and u.

I justā€¦ donā€™t beleive you. Either you didnā€™t really have a grasp on gamestate, or you are just not telling the truth.

Hippo was liked by everyone. and now you know he was in 2 f3 deals in the f5. He positioned himself perfectly.

You betrayed cult tribe, and while iā€™m not gonna begrudge you too much for that, you also did it in an open way which was kinda insulting. Blindsides and betrayals happen, but if you just didnā€™t talk about it it would have been way less painful for the ones who betrayed.

Itā€™s not a betrayal. You were part of the Blue dragon tribe. I never accepted the invitation to be in an alliance with you.

but then I would be too lazy to type why I am the most epic so i would lose

imma teach yā€™all basic org shit once this is over jesus christ

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Like I said, I thought the final 3 was gonna be a challenge I didnā€™t know it was gonna be the jury. I never watched Survivor

is everyoneā€™s argument them being loyal

In response I will say that at no point in the game did I ever need to win a challenge. Why make my threat level bigger (esp after opinion challenge when I was paranoid) by doing well in challenges.

We saw what happened to all the big threats at start of merge: eevee, pkr, marshall and Simon all went one by one. Mitigating threat level and staying under radar is p important.

Meh I was loyal to the people who were loyal to me, but I wouldnā€™t say I played like a good person. I mostly controlled the votes all game

Yeah thatā€™s fair tbh. But you didnā€™t even submit a score at all on more than one

Did you control the votes?

because what it sounds like, hippo was in control.

Answer honestly. Did you genuinely beleive you were in a f3 deal with hippo and isaac?

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hippo was in total control of the whole game lol

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he didnā€™t need to get idols or win challenges because we was literally controlling every single vote

I dont think you should vote me over tele because she wasnt loyal. At times I wasnt either, and thats the point of the game. Neither of us were ever disloyal to be a dick anyway, it was all strategy.

I do think you should vote me over tele because at several points in the game i had the chance to eliminate tele but I didnt. Realistically at no point could tele have voted me out.

I donā€™t think Hippo was in control, no. The only one he was in control of was the one where J was voted out from my point of view. Originally I did believe that I was gonna be in the f3 with Isaac and Hippo because of our alliance, but I had doubts after J was voted out and even a bit before then, so I knew that I needed to win the final challenge else they were gonna vote me out

we was defo gonna vote you out f4 but u won so nice job

I mean if I told the unseen alliance about your plot with me and Isaac, but that wouldā€™ve ratted me out as well :woman_shrugging:

Yeah at f6 with simon was most likely time i coulda been yeeted.

I never intended on voting you out because you were my main alliance and I told you guys nearly everything because I trusted you

But I was nearly voted out 3 times without winning any challenges at that point so I guess that says something about how much people considered me to be a social threat