[Misc] Survivor:Adiart [Final Tribal Council]

I will say the reason me and isaac were gonna vote tele out at 4 is that they played a pretty solid game.


I stand by the position that the only person that I betrayed that I somewhat trusted and never betrayed me was Simon

Betrayal meaning ā€œgoing behind someoneā€™s back and voting them out while making them think that youā€™re good with themā€

Which I will forever deny that I betrayed Marshal. Never did.

But I donā€™t expect to win honestly. I am not a very likeable person irl so lmao. Plus I bet a lot of the jury members hold grudges on me which is evidence that I was controlling the voting almost all game (admittedly not when J got voted out or after that, but probably nearly every vote before after the teams were broken up) Iā€™m just happy to have made it this far and Iā€™m tired and I still have homework to do even though I just got home from work rip. Hippo did play well tbh I am just bitter that they were gonna vote me out and I never really considered that he was the middle man, but it does make sense. Iā€™d say we probably both were, but just on opposite sides of the spectrum and his side was more evident late game

But I knew everything that was going on from outside info that people had given me and I felt pretty powerful

So I wasnā€™t clueless about anything which is good. People perceived me as someone that was floating around but I was really doing a lot of work behind the scenes and I was trying to find people who I could trust and put my loyalty into.

i think its arg

Nah its org

Iā€™ve gotten a good 2 questions for yā€™all.

Alliance wise -

  1. Was there anyone you wanted to keep in but became too much of a threat?
  2. Do you regret any decisions you made?

Honestly I mean Eevee and Marshal were definitely big threats in my eyes which is partially why I didnā€™t trust them, but I also didnā€™t like that they left the cult tribe to join the Blue Dragon one. I feel like J was very loyal and honest to me but he was also an extremely strong competitor which is one of the reasons why I felt like I owed him the chance to father advance in the game, but I was scared that I wouldnā€™t be able to win against him later on. Thatā€™s why I said I wouldā€™ve tried to take him to the f4 or f5, the f4 would be nice but I think if he made it to the f4 heā€™d probably be unvoteable which is why I considered the f5. Obviously that turned out to not be a decision I had to make because it was made for meā€¦

But yeah like Eevee was swamping through all of the challenges and I tried to get him voted out any chance he wasnā€™t immune :confused:

Right now? Not being as nice to people as I should have been I guess? Though I kind of like the trope. Also not doing more to prevent J from getting voted out or work with him more because he was the one person that never had intent to betray me all game I donā€™t think. Maybe I should have been more trusting of you (PKR) but you had already lost my loyalty and trust after making the chat without me and not telling me they planned on voting me out.

I was kind of scared that people were going to screw me over all game due to early trust issues that I had built up. But maybe I should have made an alliance with J and Simon or something idk. I guess retrospect is better than in the moment decisions.

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  1. Only Squid. You, Eevee and Marshall were obviously big threats but I didnā€™t want to keep you anyway so that doesnā€™t count.
  2. I regret not trying harder in the final challenge to prevent isaac being eliminated.

So, am I in the jury or not? Iā€™m so confused rn.


H_Hja youā€™re not even in this game.

I was in game no one noticed


You didnā€™t notice

You werenā€™t (and still arenā€™t) in the game.