[Misc] Survivor:Adiart [Final Tribal Council]

/vote H_hja to win


eeeveeā€™s long question:

Seduce me.

No, Iā€™m not actually kidding.

Give me a reason any of you should win.

  1. Most people who reached late game should be kicked long ago for inactivity.
  2. In challange which could get you to final 4, 2 people didnt submit score. In challange whichā€¦ took 2 minutes to complete.
  3. Oh, did I tell you that best score living people had was 2k ppinrs, while dead had 12k?
  4. How about QWOP? Nahā€¦ only dead people finished the race.
  5. What did you even do this game.
    Did any of you even searched for idol before basicly being shown it in the face?
    No Wazza, last one doesnā€™t count, it was way simpler than me spending 9 hours in a row to decode hints left for first one. If you tried to search for it before being actually told everythingā€¦ tell me I am wrong.
    Did any of you hide any fake idols?
    Did any of you join 3rd tribe? Thatā€™s a no.

So what did you do to make game more interesting?
6. The game got boring.
I didnt see people trying. A lot of 0 scores/votes ect.
Even selfvote in final voting. Wtf.

And itā€™s not game fault, but you eliminated everyone whi brought something to game.

Fun part was when Kyo was tryimg to ally 4 people at same time. How he tried to keep dictatorship going. Fun part was like he got revolutioned.
Sure, required a lot of work, but the outcome for hilarious.

What I saw ypu do was eliminating people who actualy cared. And thatā€™s even worse than actually not carying itself.
You made it unenjoyable even for host toā€¦ host.

Was whatever your plan was worth destroying fun for other people?
Making end of game a joke of inactivity rather than struggle for power it should be?

So yeah. My final questionā€¦
What did you do to make game interesting? Convince me to vote for you.

Oh and ping me when you answer.

thats my line!

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also we totally cheated for that one, but yall didnt even know you could cheat.

or rather we broke the system but we let it fly unless one of yall realized it, which you didnt

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you literally won every challenge and you expect us to not vote you when you finally somehow lost


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you marshal and derps was probably a final 3 so why would we go into the 3rd tribe knowing there would be a 3 man alliance no matter what

the whole point is to win the game why would we let you stay a few more challenges because you cared about the game

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  1. I was always active and never failed to submit something for a challenge or a vote for tribal
  2. I donā€™t have access to a computer on a regular basis. I use mobile Forums 99% of the time. I have a computer at my house but my dad has forbidden me from talking to strangers or doing anything so I have to live under his dictatorship and by the time I had access to the computer (since I work and go to school as well) my dad was in the vicinity and I didnā€™t want him to interrogate me about what I was doing because he is very strict and unreasonable and I live under his dictatorship but secretly break the rules privately
  3. We voted out the players who performed well on challenges. Thatā€™s just strategy. In order to succeed you have to be good at challenges and social interactions. J was good at challenges and made it pretty far due to his social interactions with me :woman_shrugging:
  4. Same point applies.
  5. Controlled the voting scheme, worked with a lot of people. I didnā€™t need to search for the idol. I found my own way out of being voted out 3 times and dodged being voted out the 4th time by winning immunity in the last challenge. I work smarter rather than harder. I am efficient with my time if anything. Joining the 3rd tribe wouldā€™ve made it even more boring because the Blue Dragon tribe was ridiculously overpowered and you only joined it to win and now youā€™re salty that you got voted out because you didnā€™t make connections as well as you should have. Sorry not sorry.
  6. I was playing to win, and so were you, so you canā€™t blame me for doing what I needed to do. Any game will get less active as the numbers dwindle. I wasnā€™t trying to gamethrow or mistreat others by ruling under a dictatorship, but I did dismantle the oligarchy you had at the ā€œcultā€ alliance (you and Marshal). Would the game have been more interesting if you just won every challenge? Sorry that my hand coordination isnā€™t as good as yours and that I donā€™t have time to be practicing challenges all day
  7. I was playing openly and honestly during the first portion of the game which no one else was doing, and then I was convincing people to vote with me in private and getting information from other people so that I could manipulate and get people I wanted voted out out. Admittedly I suck at challenges but I was always active and trying and being a ā€œsocial sharkā€ to get this far.

you showed ur power in challenges way early and thats why youre gone. of course youre gonna be 1st in qwop because u were the best and strongest player and thats why youre dead I donā€™t why u would aim to win every challenge unless it was odds against you. you had a pretty good team to start with but the target on ur back grew and grew as you kept winning challenges

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Heā€™s just salty that he got voted out and focused too much on winning challenges rather than building a foundation of trust with others and winning challenges late game

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I was first in qwop, but thatā€™s on a technicality

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ok noob

It started to get boring because like it was inactive for a long period of time

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Like I donā€™t blame the hosts but there was one challenge that had 11 days between the last one

Challenges is literally one small aspect of the game. Thereā€™s a bunch of other stuff going on with alliances and social stuff that is more important in my opinion.

I didnā€™t play to make the game interesting, I played the smartest game for me to get to the end with people I wanted to sit next to at the end. I do think I didnā€™t play that boring though - at final 7 I sent Jgoes home which he wasnt expecting, at final 6 I organised Simon going home which they werenā€™t expecting, at final 5 I voted out Squid which they werenā€™t expecting, and at final 4 I would have voted out Tele which they werenā€™t expecting. Saying ā€œI didnā€™t see you guys try therefore you didnā€™tā€ is a fallacy.

Tele, me, and Waz all tried and all deserve to be here.

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Also I have watched a lot of real-life survivor and very very rarely do ā€œchallenge beastsā€ and the leaders of their original tribes survive long at merge. We saw that here with you guys going home.

Mitigating threat level is a huge part of the game.

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I mean I was somewhat expecting being voted out at f4. Mainly if Wazza won immunity though tbf. But at least I won the final challenge